​Category 5’s division structure is a novel idea on the team. It all begins with six divisions, from Programming to Mechanical to Business. These divisions are each headed up by a division leader, whose job is to project manage and communicate effectively with mentors involved with each division. These divisions should work seamlessly to design, build, and program a robot that can complete tasks on field. Additionally, the team should operate and present themselves as a business, with budgeting, a business plan, and sustainability in the student base and in outreach and other functions. The goal of the new division structure is to bring student leadership to the forefront on our team. This is not to disregard the mentors, but instead better emphasize what they are here for. The mentors wish to help and teach the students on the team, and the student leadership encourages team members to report to their division leads, who will consistently communicate with their mentors.
Business division exists in order for 3489 to run as a business. In order for the team to have revenue and funds to build a robot and to field it at regionals, the Business division must provide the means. Additionally, the Chairman’s content and presentation will be spearheaded by the Business division. The Business division is also able to encourage judging preparedness in the pits at events.
Design division exists in order to establish all the preliminary design functions of the robot. Strategy channels the team input and brings up a concept and Mechanical puts it together, but Design brings the two together through CAD and the prototyping stage. Design works closely with Strategy to establish the big picture of the robot, then aptly communicates that big picture to Mechanical and Programming in order to field the robot.
Mechanical division exists in order to build the robot to the specifications that design and programming need. They will fabricate and construct the robot in accordance with top industrial standards in order to field a robot worthy of commendation every year. Electrical is a subteam within this division. All electrical components/systems on the robot will be installed by these experts within Mechanical.
Multimedia division exists in order to establish and maintain a phenomenal team image. While the team’s brand is good, the Multimedia division will make the brand stronger. They are in charge of social media presence and awareness, as well as keeping the well-known hurricane brand looking fresh and up-to-date. Team image at competitions is of utmost importance; from the robot’s side panels down to the buttons, every part is pivotal.
Programming division exists in order to make the robot function according to its intended design. Programming must work closely with Mechanical to ensure that the robot’s subassemblies work correctly. Programming is solely responsible for the development of the autonomous programs for the first fifteen seconds of gameplay. At competition, they also continue to implement bits and pieces of code to improve the robot.
Strategy division exists to analyze the game rules and use them to come up with an innovative game strategy. They must work closely with Design and Programming to implement a creative robot design that utilizes the rules to its advantage. At competition, they are required to field a drive team that will use the robot to the best of its abilities. They will also organize all team members to work on the scouting subteam, where they must gather data and provide it to the Strategy leads to best inform the drive team, who may participate in alliance finals.