Our Mission
​Category 5 has a mission to inspire younger generations and spread science along with technology through innovative methods while promoting equality, diversity, inclusion, and Gracious Professionalism throughout the lowcountry of South Carolina.


The Next Generation

Our Story
Team 3489, Category 5, is a high school level robotics team established in 2011. Our mission is to inspire younger generations and spread Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math through innovative methods while promoting equality, diversity, inclusion, and Gracious Professionalism throughout the Lowcountry of South Carolina.
Category 5 is a community team that has students from multiple high schools and home-school communities. The team has a strong community presence with over 13,500 volunteer hours and counting.
As we enter our second decade of existence, we have realized that simply being “the storm in your backyard” is not enough. We must become the “winds of change”. To successfully implement this change Cat 5 is planning to ramp up our outreach to become bigger and better. Some events that we have coming up are Beyond our Walls STEM event. We are returning to support 3490 STEMist girl day camp, STEMFest and Air Show at Joint Base Charleston. The team is developing a coding summer camp and just received notification that we can support students in Colleton County, one of our under-served counties. The most exciting initiative is the development of our mobile STEM trailer, this outreach trailer equipped with our STEM kits and a lending robots closet are all in the works.
We might have taken a few hard punches from COVID-19, but it did not break us. Category 5 is swinging back at full force! We are the winds of change, we are Category 5, we are FIRST!